Why am I never amazed when a software engineer wants to add complexity? By this I am talking about all these abstraction layers of tools and frameworks and engines. These tools/frameworks/engines are supposedly designed to save developers time, but really just add complexity to the stack and in the end don’t end up saving time at all.  Now, instead of just knowing programming language X I need to know Programing Language X and Abstraction Layer Y. How is working in two technologies easier than working in one?
I know some will argue that “Well you only really need to work in Abstraction Layer Y.” Except that is never just the case. Abstraction Layer Y is great until you have to do something that is outside the basic cases of Abstraction Layer Y. Then you have to go back to working in Programming Language X. Suddenly you’re working in both.
Don’t believe me? Consider the case of Google Web Toolkit (GWT)… GWT lets you write web pages in GWT’s Java Toolkit. It removes the need to work in HTML and Javascript and CSS. Except, well, CSS is still use to provide your sites look and feel. Oh, and you still use HTML inside the GWT code. Oh, and you want to do something a little more complex than what GWT offers? Looks like you’re going to have to embed Javascript into your GWT code as well. So, instead of just having to work with HTML, CSS, and Javascript, now I have to work with HTML, CSS, Javascript and GWT.
Seriously, it’s basic math. X + Y > X where Y is greater than 0. Yet time and again engineers are all gung ho about Abstraction Layer Y and I suspect it’s for one reason: Fear. They’re afraid that they will have to do work, they’re afraid that their incompetence will be visible, they’re afraid that their value to the company will be realized. Fear is an extremely strong emotion and it can lead to panic, chaos and distrust. But underneath it all is pure cowardice. Cowardice to get things done, cowardice to admit your shortcomings, and cowardice to realize your own mediocrity.
And the worst kind of cowards are the ones that want to do trade studies. Let us spend all of the budget and time for the project on comparing Abstraction X to Abstraction Y to Abstraction Z before we choose one. Don’t worry though, we’ll have plenty of time and money after we run out of time and money to build the software. Shouldn’t take more than two weeks, right? The engineers that want to do this are the ones with the most to fear. I believe that they would rather do trade studies than write code. If you don’t want to write code, if you don’t LOVE to write code, you’re not a software engineer… you’re middle management. You need to realize your fate and go work for the federal government wasting tax payer resources.
So, is there ever a case where Abstraction Layer Y makes sense? Probably, but it’s far, far less frequently than one might imagine. Sometimes an abstraction layer can actually achieve the nirvanic state that it set out to do. It’s kind of this sweet spot between being overly simple and overly bloated. And I suspect that of the thousands of Abstraction Layer Y’s out there, only 1 or 2 have actually succeeded in finding that spot.
And yes, this is a little bit of a rant against Abstraction Layers… but it’s not a rant against the people who write Abstraction Layers. The people who write Abstraction Layers are freaking genius. Basically they have identified the fears of software engineers and are exploiting it to make money or recognition or whatever their particular motivation is. This is brilliant in my opinion and I seriously need to start working at one of these companies.
To conclude: Abstraction Layer Y sucks and is a waste of time. Just write the code yourself. It’s not that hard. If you think it is that hard, you need to quit your job now and go manage the fast food restaurant you were always destined to manage.