Site Version 3.1

You’ll notice that an all new version of the site is up and running.  This is version 3.1 of the site and long overdue to be installed and put into production.

The old site was, well, getting old.  The big problem was that all of the blogging stuff was custom code and very limited.  So as any rewrite I wanted to take out that code and use a commercial blog system.  I also wanted to clean up the directory structure, redo some of the css and put up the new logo art I did a few months ago.

So, the new site is now up running the WordPress software. It took some massaging to get it just the way I wanted, but after a few hours I eventually got it setup to something usable.

More changes to the site are coming, but the basic core is there.  I intend to add links to cross post article urls to other sites like digg and delicious and the like.  Plus there’s a fair amount of content from the old site that needs to get linked in.  And a few other flourishes.  Finally, I will be taking the livejournal site down and redirecting it here so therre’s only one blug to manage.

So, here it is, up and running.  Thoughts and comments welcome.
